Different camera shots

Image result for close up shot
 Close ups and Extreme close ups: An  close up is often used by directors to emphasise a characters emotion in a certain scene. It can have a great effect on the way we see the character. It also emphasises how they feel towards the certain situation that they're in. Directors often use close ups during emotional scenes in films as they have a greater effect and adds to the scene. Extreme close ups are used in a different way, they are often used as our way to look deep into the character, they are also used for emotional scenes in movies. A director will often use them so we can see into the characters eyes, depending on what we see have a big impact on how we view the character. This is often used in X-men films. They are also used to significant effect in the Harry Potter movies, especially in the last films as it nears towards the emotional climax of the film.

Image result for mid shotMidshots and Longshots: Midshots are the most common camera shot in filmmaking and are used all the time. They allow the characters in the frame to be seen .The mid shot is often used in films when two or more characters are having a conversation. The shot is often used as a way not to show too much detail, it allows the scene to seem relaxed and casual rather than trying to place a large emphasis on emotion an character detail. The longshot is used differently. It is used as a way for the viewer to get a sense of what's going on in the scene and has the characters and their surrounding in frame. Directors often use the wide shot when they want us to get a sense of atmosphere, or to show us the vulnerability of the character in that situation.
Image result for pov shot
Pov shot: Pov shots are used as a way for the viewer to see what the character sees. It can be effective in tense situations as we get a better understanding of what the character is going through. Directors will often use this shot to show this. It is often used in horror movies and thrillers as tension is a key part.

Image result for low angle shot the jokerLow and high angle shots: Low angle shots are often used in films to make the character that's being focused on seem more powerful, such as a villain character. When the camera is below them it creates a sense of vulnerability and shows the characters power in the scene. High angle shots have a different effect, they can often show the character they are focusing on to be powerless in the situation and is often used to show the protagonist to be in danger or vulnerable.  It is often used to portray children, showing them to be powerless and vulnerable.

Image result for HIGH ANGLE SHOT

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In the production of the project, I was acting, I also wrote the script for the project that involved the dialogue and how the scenes play...